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45-Minute Labor Draw Area

Population heat map with counties highlighted

300,000+ in labor force within 45 minutes


Labor Draw
< 4,737
4,737 to 13,582
13,582 to 19,345
19,345 to 30,883
30,883 to 68,359
> 68,359

Source: JobsEQ, ESRI, 2020

Population heat map with counties highlighted

300,000+ in labor force within 45 minutes


Labor Draw
< 4,737
4,737 to 13,582
13,582 to 19,345
19,345 to 30,883
30,883 to 68,359
> 68,359

Source: JobsEQ, ESRI, 2020

Commute Pattern

20,700+ out commuters


In Commuters 2,897
Live and Work in Effingham 9,421
Out Commuters 20,781

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2020

20,700+ out commuters


In Commuters 2,897
Live and Work in Effingham 9,421
Out Commuters 20,781

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2020

Commuter Destination Count Share
Chatham County 14,045 47%
Effingham County 9,421 31%
Bryan County 674 2%
Bulloch County 513 2%
Beaufort County, SC 474 2%
Jasper County, SC 344 1%
Glynn County 320 1%
Liberty County 290 1%
All Other Locations 4,122 14%

Source: JobsEQ 2020


labor characteristics

45 Minute
Labor Force 28,332 189,937 311,504
Median Age 36.2 35.1 35.7
Veterans in Labor Force 3,479 21,087 36.892
Average Commute Time (minutes) 31.1 24 24.1

 Source:  JobsEQ 2020