Local Board of Directors Announces 2022-23 Leadership
June 23, 2022

SAVANNAH, Ga. – Savannah Technical College’s local Board of Directors announced changes to board leadership this week. James Williams, who was formerly Vice Chairman, completed his service to the board after nine years. The board voted to approve new leadership for the upcoming fiscal year with Donald Lovette as Chairman and Brandt Herndon as Vice Chairman.
Lovette is the retired Director of Laboratory Services for Liberty Regional Medical Center and is the CEO of Love-In Productions, Inc. He is a graduate of Bradwell Institute High School (1973), North Georgia Technical College and honor graduate of Brewton-Parker College. He is the chairman of the Liberty County Board of Commissioners. He is a member of the Hinesville Downtown Development Authority, The Fraser Center Board of Directors and a council member of coastal Regional Commission. He is a lifelong member of the Pleasant Grove AME Church, where he serves as Steward Pro-Tem, Men’s Choir Director and New Member’s Class Teacher. He is also a member of the Gospel Cousinaires.
Herndon is Chief Executive Officer for the Effingham County Industrial Development Authority. He is a graduate of the University of Georgia with a Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance, and holds a Masters of Business Administration from Georgia State University. He also held positions at the Georgia Department of Economic Development, as well as Electric Cities of Georgia where he was an economic development project manager. He is actively involved on the board of the Southern Economic Development Council, the Realtors Commercial Alliance of Savannah and Hilton Head, as well as the Local Board of Directors for Savannah Technical College, and the Board of Directors for the Effingham County Chamber of Commerce.
Williams worked more than 40 years in the power generation industry from field engineer to plane management to executive management. He retired from Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems Americas, Inc. as Executive Vice President in 2015. He now is president of JW Williams Consulting and Services, LLC. He has a bachelor of science in Mechanical Engineering/Mechanical Technology/Technician, Associate of Science in Mechanical Engineering Technology. He is a rotary volunteer, president of the Savannah Chapter of Christian Motorcyclists Association and a deacon and active member in men’s ministries at Compassion Christian Church.
STC 2022-23 Board of Directors: Dr. Kathleen Benton (Chatham); Brandt Herndon (Effingham – Vice Chairman); Todd Hoffman (Effingham); Donald Lovette (Liberty – Chairman); Tom Ratcliffe (Liberty).
The College’s Local Board of Directors is comprised of community and industry leaders, who strive to keep the College at the highest standard of excellence in education. The local board facilitates the delivery of programs, services, and activities as directed by the TCSG State Board, advises the President and the TCSG State Board of local industry and community needs for the programs and services to be provided by the technical college, and advocates within the community and within the state on issues of importance in support of TCSG and Georgia’s workforce development efforts.
#2246 | June 23, 2022
Media Contact: Amy Shaffer, APR
912.443.5512 or ashaffer@savannahtech.edu
Savannah Technical College serves Coastal Georgia with quality, market-driven technical education with campus locations in Chatham, Effingham and Liberty Counties. Serving more than 10,000 credit and non-credit students annually, Savannah Tech offers nearly 150 different instructional programs in Aviation Technology, Business and Professional Services, Industrial Technology, and Health Sciences in addition to Adult Education classes, industry-specific training and continuing education. The College serves as an economic and community development partner for the region, offering corporate and customized training and assessment programs for business and industry.
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