Choose Effingham
Available Sites
8,500+ acres of industrial property offering class I rail connections, industrial grade utilities, and immediate interstate access
Rail Connectivity
CSX and Norfolk Southern provide direct intermodal connections from the Port of Savannah to the nation
Port of Savannah
Industrial sites as close as 10 miles from the Port of Savannah's main gate offer a lower drayage rate and multiple truck turns per day

Interactive Maps
Effingham County, Georgia, is located within minutes of Savannah, and grants easy access to the Georgia Ports Authority and Savannah International Airport.

Xcel Strategies: Empowering the Next Generation in Effingham County
Xcel Strategies is shaping the future for young people in Effingham County and beyond, equipping them with the skills and confidence to set goals, pursue careers, and reach their full...
Effingham County
328,000+ workforce within 45 minutes - 4,000+ veterans exit the military annually - 62,000+ enrolled in higher education